About Josh:

I’m a 29 year old runner from Yorkshire who loves nothing more than spending time on the trails, in the mountains & challenging myself to ultra-marathons.

One of the main reasons I switched to running after years of dedication to the gym was following a diagnoses of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)- a form of inflammatory Arthritis which mainly affects the spine. It is a life-long condition causing extreme pain and in some cases can lead to fusion of the spine. Exercise is recommended to help keep the disease in remission and help relieve symptoms.

Why I love running

For me running is a way to escape the pressures and stresses of ‘normal’ life. After a hard day at work I can take to the hills and leave all my worries behind. As well as keeping me fit and healthy it gives me extra confidence in every aspect of my life. I’ve come to realise that I’m at my happiest when I’m out running and I feel extremely fortunate to have fallen in love with the sport. I have also found that running has been helpful for relieving the back pain I experience living with AS.


In terms of achievements, my proudest moments are 1st overall in the Pendle way in a day ultramarathon (2024), 4th place in the Howarth Hobble ultramarathon (2024), 4th place in the Snowdon Ultra (2023) & representing Sports Shoes and The North Face for the Transgrancanaria Marathon back in February.

Whats next..

This year I will be taking part in two UTMB races one in Switzerland and the other in Slovenia with the ultimate goal to get the opportunity to be in the UTMB final. I will also be taking on the RAB Skyline in June.

About Moggans

I wore Moggans socks during the Transgrancanaria Marathon Race. They’re the best – my new absolute go to! During the Chester Ultra 100 and they were absolutely amazing – the route was pure bogs and these socks handled it like a dream. No blisters at all!