Tia Freshwater: Rising Star in Alpine Skiing

Meet Tia Freshwater, an alpine skier from the scenic Highlands of Scotland. Tia’s skiing journey began at the age of 5 when her family moved to the French Alps. Training in this stunning environment has only deepened her passion for the sport.

Now a proud member of the Scottish ski team, Tia primarily competes in French races. Last season, she achieved several top-ten finishes and clinched a 3rd place in the U16 French Championships in slalom.

Tia’s ambitions are sky-high. She aims to join the British Ski Team and progress to the Europa Cup and World Cup circuits. In the short term, she’s also eyeing the World Junior Championships. Over the past three years, Tia has significantly improved her off-snow training, which has greatly enhanced her on-snow performance. She is dedicated to continuing this progression to reach her full potential.

For Tia, skiing is more than a sport—it’s her greatest passion. Despite harsh weather and physical challenges, nothing can diminish the joy she feels on the slopes. It’s this unwavering love that keeps her coming back for more, season after season.

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